Logo Phenix center
Type de l’organisme
Texte de description
Phenix Center is an NGO working to promote sustainable and inclusive development in Jordan, rooted in human rights and principles of democratic governance. The Center focuses on decent work and social protection, while crosscutting themes for all projects include youth empowerment and gender equality, and other vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, migrants and refugees. Phenix works on three main actions:

Research - producing independent policy research on current and emerging issues in the economic, social and legislative environment in Jordan, developing research, studies and policy papers;
Capacity building - empowering civil society’s actors, especially CSOs and trade unions, to take part in steering development through capacity building;
Advocacy - conducting campaigns (including videos, social media messages, local dialogues, national forums, etc.) in order to amplify civil society’s voice, and to foster dialogue and inclusion in promoting sustainable development.